Dec 21, 2007

Edubuntu : Own Customized Repository

I had a problem when I installed Edubuntu in a new unit, I have to download some additional packages which could not be found in bin-1 and bin-2 CDs ( like NTFS, Gstreamer, XMMS, K3b ). I kept doing this time to time. Can I make it simpler ? Should I spend my time on this repeating activity ?Can I just download the packages once ? These questions were kept asking by myself to myself.

Meanwhile, I have to start to socialize Linux, Edubuntu especially to my students. I do not want my students keep thinking that installing Linux is miserable. I want them able to install Edubuntu in the easiest way.

After sometime passed by, I found a link to make local repository here
I tried to do like what the link instructed and I succeeded in re-installing a unit. From this point, I tried to expand it by questioning myself : Can I make a repo CD consist of (almost) latest update and my own desired packages ?
Now I can answer it : yes I can..........Now I can make a CD consisted of some programs which I always(will) use and also (almost) latest updates.

Repo Making :

First; I have to install a package called dpkg-dev in my laptop, so go to Application – Accessories – Terminal and type sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev. System will download 2 files which are dpkg-dev and patch in order to install dpkg-dev.

Second; collect the packages from bin-2 CD ( add-on CD ) which I wanted to be installed in other computers. Or in my case...packages that I wanted to be distributed. I took qcad, inkscape, tuxpaint, tuxtyping, screem, dia and put those packages in /home/oedha/Desktop/repo

Third; take the updates packages from the most up to date unit. To do this, go to /var/cache/apt/archives of this up to date unit. Copy all *.deb files to another place. Then, put all these deb to /home/oedha/Desktop/repo

Fourth; download and get the packages of some additional programs and also put these to /home/oedha/Desktop/repo. Now this repo folder consists of 248 deb files ( NTFS, Gstreamer, XMMS, K3b, dpkg-dev, patch, ndiswrapper, compiz, kiba-dock, qcad, inkscape, tuxpaint, tuxtyping, screem, dia, Amaya, ktoon, synfig, ssh, the last update was Dec 20, 2007, )

Fifth ( make the Packages.gz ) :
  1. go to Application – Accessories – Terminal
  2. type : cd /home/oedha/Desktop
  3. type : sudo dpkg-scanpackages repo /dev/null | gzip -9c > repo/Packages.gz
  4. wait until it's finished and it will report me : Wrote 248 entries to output Packages file.
  5. Now, I can find a file named Packages.gz in repo folder ( total = 249 now )

Sixth; now we can burn this folder into a CD. I named this CD as “Add-Ons”. I also put some additional folders on this CD which were AVG for Linux + updates, Windows installer ( gimp, amaya, openoffice, inkscape, tuxpaint ), flashplayer, and direction files.

( This repo folder also can be shared wihout using CD ; shared folder, flashdisk )

Repo Using ( in other units ) :

  1. Install a fresh Edubuntu or can be a unit which not up to date or can be a unit which will install a program which can be found in the Add-Ons CD
  2. Insert Add-Ons CD into the CD tray
  3. go to System – Administration – Software Sources
  4. Click on Third Party Software tab then click add CD-ROM button
  5. Click OK button then type the CD name : Add-Ons
  6. Click OK then click Close ( see picture below )

  7. Go to Ubuntu software tab, Make sure that there's no box been checked and then close it. You will ask to reload the package, click reload button
  8. go to System – Administration – Update manager
  9. click on install update button
  10. wait until it's finished and then close it ( now it's updated )
  11. go to Applications – Add/Remove
  12. search : ntfs show : all available applications
  13. click apply changes ; wait until it's finished, then click close button
  14. you have installed NTFS configuration Tool
  15. do step 12 and 13 for the next program
For you who did not use CD, you can do below steps
  1. copy repo folder from network share or flashdisk to Desktop
  2. go to System – Administration – Software Sources
  3. Click on Third Party Software tab then click add button
  4. type : deb file:///home/oedha/Desktop repo/
  5. Click OK then click Close
  6. Continue with updating the system and install programs my plan is ready to be implemented. I asked my students to prepare 3 blank CDs if they want to install Edubuntu; one for Edubuntu-live, one for Gparted and the third is “Add-Ons”. Previously I asked them to prepare 4 to 5 CDs. Now they just prepare less CDs, easy installation, additional programs and do not have to be online at home.

Finally, I can save bandwidth ( I also set proxy cache in the Router server up to 20GB to prevent repeated download from clients ), fastest process and I can enjoy in installing Edubuntu !!

I hope this article can help you................


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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