Nov 17, 2007

Edubuntu (offline) installation

I wrote this article based on my experience to introduce Linux(Edubuntu) here. When the demand of fresh installation was high and our internet connection has limited bandwidth which shared to whole campus, of course we met problem when we want to install some basic programs. Making a repository still far beyond my capability. But, I have to solve this problem.

What did I do ?
I searched ..... asked questions ..... finally I found which contains all Ubuntu clan's installation packages. I started to search NTFS packages, I typed down ntfs in the search box, and there was many ntfs packages. I picked one, executed it.........i found out that I have to consider about “dependencies”. So, base on this, I downloaded all packages including the dependent packages and I came out with the list below. My target is NTFS, XMMS, K3b, Gstreamers and flash-player ( get flash-player from here )

Purpose of this article is : you still can enjoy a fresh Edubuntu installation without having online and your unit will be ready for action.

You have to follow the steps of installation which you can find in how to install Edubuntu. But the last step that you have to do is : Restart time !! ( remove the CD from the tray )
Then continue with these; ( find and download the package from and execute it sequentially by looking at the list below );

Main Packages

  1. kdelibs-data
  2. kdelibs4c2a
  3. opera ( if you want to use the opera browser / optional )


  1. dmsetup
  2. ntfs-3g
  3. ntfs-config
  4. after they're finished, go to System – Administration – NTFS Configuration Tool
  5. activate your NTFS by click on both check boxes


  1. libgtk1.2-common
  2. libglib
  3. libgtk
  4. libmikmod
  5. xmms


  1. libdbus
  2. libflac++6
  3. libmpcdec3
  4. libk3b2
  5. libmad0
  6. libk3b2-mp3
  7. kdebase-bin
  8. libk3b-dev
  9. k3b
  10. k3b-i18n

Gstreamers ( 37 steps )

  1. gstreamer0.10-alsa
  2. gstreamer0.10-esd
  3. gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  4. gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3
  5. gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mpegdemux
  6. gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs
  7. gstreamer0.10-plugins-base
  8. gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps
  9. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
  10. gstreamer0.10-tools
  11. gstreamer0.10-x
  12. liba52
  13. libcdaudio
  14. libdvdread
  15. libfreebob
  16. libgsm1
  17. libid3tag
  18. libjack
  19. libmms
  20. libmp4v2
  21. libmpeg2-4
  22. libschroedinger
  23. libopenspc
  24. libsidplay
  25. libsoundtouch
  26. libx264
  27. libxvidcore
  28. gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
  29. gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  30. gstreamer0.10-schroedinger_0.6.1
  31. libfaac
  32. libfaad
  33. libavutil1d
  34. libavcodec1d
  35. libquicktime1
  36. libmjpegtools0c2a
  37. gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse

Flash-player : go to the extracted Flash_Player folder, then double click the flashplayer-installer file. Just follow the simple direction ( before you install flash player, make sure that you have open firefox once )

The last (can be done if you have internet connection) is to reload your installation packages

1.Go to System – Administration – Software Sources and mark on all boxes (see the picture)

2.After that, click close button and click on Reload button
3.Wait until the registration finished
4.Go to Applications – Add/Remove
5.When you asked to reload just click on Reload button
6.if not, you can search and download programs which you desired or install some program from the Add-ons CD (bin-2)

I hope this article can help people who has the same problem like mine.

Thanks to :
AZH for testing and listing Gstreamer and HEN for revising XMMS steps

1 comment:

Umesh Krishantha said...

Thank you Very much.