Nov 13, 2009

Broadcomm 43xx on Karmic Koala

Thanks to Karmic which has made me come back and wrote somethings down here.
I found my first case, there was a netbook which run smoothly on JJ. But when i installed KK on it, the wireless did not do anything....hmmm we go:

  1. Open terminal, make sure that your wireless is "Broadcomm 43xx" by typing sudo lspci
  2. Insert Ubuntu 9.10 LiveCD to CD-ROM drive.
  3. Type these command below
  4. sudo apt-cdrom add
    sudo apt-get install dkms patch fakeroot bcmwl-kernel-source
  5. Restart computer.
  6. Go to System - Administration - Hardware Drivers; Broadcomm BCM43xx wireless chip had been detected
  7. Now it's time to set the wireless connection


Aug 20, 2009

Joomla! - Liberate the Authors

To hack the Joomla! 1.5.x ( to open the gate for the authors ), is to change the following two files ( the hack has to be applied to any future upgrade of the core )

File 1 is ...components\com_content\controller.php
Go to Line 229 and comment out some lines to stop the wrong message coming up on save:

// if ($access->canPublish)
// {
// Publishers, admins, etc just get the stock msg
$msg = JText::_('Item successfully saved.');
// }
// else
// {
// $msg = $isNew ? JText::_('THANK_SUB') : JText::_('Item successfully saved.');
// }

File 2 is ...components\com_content\models\article.php
Go to line 332 to change the zero value:
// For new items - author is not allowed to publish - prevent them from doing so
$article->state = 1;

The Authors are Liberated !

Aug 11, 2009

Linux password reset

Hi there, how if i forgot my password to login to my box ?

1. boot by using livecd
2. open terminal type sudo fdisk -lu
3. find something like /dev/sda* which Linux as the system
4. type sudo mkdir /media/lin_temp
5. type sudo mount /dev/sda* /media/lin_temp
6. type sudo chroot /media/lin_temp
7. type passwd john ( if the username = john )
8. you can change the password here by typing the new password twice
9. reboot

(*) indicates the partition number, 1 or 2 or...
this steps had applied on HH, JJ and Gloria
